
Monday, October 19, 2009

Five Ways For Writing Effective Blog!

Have you not started blogging because you don’t like to write. If this describes you, I can definitely understand your concern. But the fact of the matter is that on the web if you want to drive fresh traffic to your site producing unique updating content is one of the best methods.
The search engines love frequently updating content and will rank your blog higher because of it. The content management features of blogging systems make it very simple to update content frequently.

So what do you do if you hate to write? Well here are five options to update your blog with minimal writing.
1. Dragon Naturally Speaking: It’s been said that the brain is closer to the mouth then the fingers so for some people it can be more efficient to speak then type out your blog posts. Dragon Naturally Speaking is one of the top voice recognition software’s that will take your voice and transfer it into your text editor. It can even be trained to recognize your voice to prevent errors. A great solution if you hate writing.

2. Screen Toaster: Screen capture is a great way to update your blog with training. Screen toaster is a free software that allows you to easily create videos of your computer screen. You can do live training or simply speak about a PowerPoint you created.
3. Video: If screen capture doesn’t fit then do a short video of yourself speaking about a subject. This will create a personal relationship with your readers and help you save time writing. With today’s technology it is very easy to create a short video of yourself. In addition to your blog you can also post this on YouTube and other video sites to drive additional traffic.
4. Free Conference Call: Allows you to hold a teleconference and record it for free. The recording can easily be placed on your blog as content or transcribed to make a written post.
5. Guest Posts: Build relationships with other bloggers and allow them to guest post on your blog. This will provide you benefit and them as well.
If you are not blogging because you think you have to be a writer, it is best to stop fighting it. Just get to work and start your path to success. No matter which opportunity you select to make money online, you will likely have to produce new and interesting content or your site will be dead.


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